Monday, December 14, 2009
Most wonderful time of the year!
We had to move a few miles to another park (at the same lake) due to a deer hunt at the other park. It was uneventful and we got a good spot surrounded by cedars and other trees. Our friends are two spots away and we've been enjoying spending time with them.
We finally put up our little Christmas tree yesterday and are doing some decorating.
We had to work on Sundays while we were at Seminole Canyon and were unable to attend church there. We miss our work there but it's nice not to have to work on Sundays. This Sunday, we decided to go to the First Presbyterian Church in Georgetown. We were surprised to see there was no sermon but there was a small orchestra and choir for Vivaldi's Gloria. Gary had never been in a concert with an orchestra and he was wowed by the experience. There are many talented musicians here in the G-town area. We thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the performance. After we got home, granddaughter Caitlin came to visit, and then Gary's daughter Lesley and her son came for a visit...bearing CHRISTMAS COOKIES!!! mmmmm, are they ever GOOD! After everyone left, our friends Dave and Sally came over and we had fun watching football and gabbing with them. So it was a happy and busy day. Gary's grandson came back in the evening and brought his girl, Christa, to see our motor home.
I'm so proud of Caitlin. She's graduating from Texas A&M with a double major, Animal Science and Ag/business, on the 18th of December. Also, she's only 20 years old! She's been accepted at Texas Tech for grad school majoring in Ag Education. She's also engaged. So lots happening in her life and we are very, very happy for her and wish her the best in life. She's worked hard and managed her time and money in a wise and prudent way.
We never made it down to get the RV serviced at Freightliner. Shortly after we arrived here on Dec. 1, we discovered that the entire basement of the motor home was wet! (Did I already tell you this????) Since we drove in the rain to get up here, we figure we have some leaks. We have plans to fix it, though. Gary spent a couple of days with a ShamWow sopping up water, etc. None of our possessions were ruined, as everything is in rubbermaid boxes. We did have to remove everything from under the RV and put it out on the picnic table while the sopping-up-water thing was going on.
Just wanted to keep in touch...sorry I haven't written more but seems time is whizzing by. Check back...I will try to take some pictures of our campsite and make another post!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Arrival in Georgetown, TX
Our friends Dave and Sally had dinner waiting for us, and it was such a treat to go to their warm RV and eat a hot meal. Such a blessing to have dear friends like that.
The lake has lots of water, not like when we left. It was down very low at the end of July. We're glad to see the water levels back up.
Our campsite is pretty and we have lots of trees around. The trees are mostly cedar and live oak so greenery abounds. A few oak trees are changing color and they make a pretty contrast to the green of the live oaks and cedars. All these campsites have a large covered picnic table, which is really nice.
We have to break down our campsite again tomorrow and take the RV down to Freightliner to get some routine maintenance work done. What!!! We just got here! I need to learn to be more "mobile". Guess I'm getting set in my ways.
Gotta go out and do some shopping! It's nice to be in the boonies, but I do enjoy hopping in the car and going to various stores whenever I feel like it, especially this time of year. We're looking for some more Christmas decorations and Gary wants a small nativity scene. We'll set up our Christmas tree and decorate when we get the RV back home tomorrow.
Sorry I don't have any interesting news to report...wait a minute, what am I saying! I'm GLAD nothing out of the ordinary is happening. I'll add some pictures of our campsite if this program will let me.
Stay warm and safe!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Nov. 30, 2009
Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I've written in my blog. Sorry, guys! We haven't really had much news...just been working and doing our duties here at Seminole Canyon. We are due to leave tomorrow but the weather may interfere. Snow is predicted for Comstock, about 9 miles from here, on Tuesday night, but we should be in G-town by then.
I am sad to leave Seminole Canyon, but at the same time, I'm looking forward to seeing our collective children and their families, and our friends around Austin.
I have enjoyed every single day we've been here, and we feel that nothing's too good for our favorite park. The park staff are close friends, and we will miss them sorely.
I put in a few pictures that I took recently. I thought I'd show you some fall color...see, the northeast doesn't have anything on us. We have ONE tree with some color! It's an oak tree by the restroom. We saw the cactus along the road, and I believe it's a pincushion cactus. The bird is a golden fronted woodpecker. It was right outside our dining room window a few days ago.
We did see something interesting yesterday morning, but didn't have the camera. We saw a hog nosed skunk rummaging around some rocks. He looked like any other skunk, except he had a wide white stripe all the way down his back and fluffy tail. Never fails...when you see something good you never have a camera.
We are packing things up and almost ready to go. We should be pulling out tomorrow morning about 8:30 am, after saying goodbye to the staff here.
We'll keep you posted! Thanks for reading our blog.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Planets, Stars and Airs of Space
This picture is looking southwest, toward Mexico, from our motor home. Tonight was a perfect night for sitting outside beside a campfire. You can see the firepit, slightly to the left center of the picture. The wooden structure on the far left is a picnic shelter. The wind was very light, out of the southeast, and blew the smoke away from us. We sat around the fire and watched the western sky turn pink and orange, and as the darkness deepened, the stars began to show. In Seminole Canyon, there is little light pollution, and the Milky Way was visible from southwest to northeast. Also, this is one of the few places we've been where the Little Dipper is visible. As I watched the fire and listened to the crickets and tree frogs, I thought of the ancient peoples who lived in the canyons here and wondered if they, too, saw the beauty in their surroundings and appreciated the velvet black heavens with twinkling stars and planets. They were probably hungry and preoccupied with obtaining enough food and water to keep body and soul together, though.
The Taurid meteor shower is supposed to happen soon, and I did see one bright shooting star as we were sitting there. However, soon the eastern sky began to glow like it was on fire, and the slightly lopsided bright orange moon began to rise. Oh well, the fire was dying and we headed for the warmth of our home.
I was reminded of being in high school, singing a song by J. S. Bach, called "Planets, Stars, and Airs of Space". I think I can still remember all the words. Isn't it odd that we can remember songs we learned 50 years ago but can't remember the name of someone we met five minutes ago!
It's been a nice couple of days, as we were off duty and able to relax. Tomorrow, it's back to work!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
November 1, 2009
Our friends Dave and Sally had to leave a day early and we have really been missing them. Here are a few more pictures taken when we were down in the canyon. The first two pictures are in the Fate Bell Shelter. You can see how large it is. Imagine living there! It's sheltered from the heat and the wind, but you'd be sharing your living quarters with every wild animal,serpent, and insect in this area. Scary! And no sleeping bags, either. There is evidence of human habitation for many years in this shelter. It is estimated that the paintings in the shelter are at least 4000 years old, I believe. The third picture is Sally and me beside one of the huge boulders in the canyon. On this rock, we found several fossils like the one in the picture.
The weather has been utterly beautiful. The humidity is low so the days warm up to mid 70's, and at night it gets down to the 40's. Very good sleeping weather. We had some 20-30 mph winds a few days ago, but the wind has died down a lot.
We continue to do our work here and enjoy it. It's hard to believe we've been here two whole months, and are starting on our last month here. I am, however, looking forward to seeing our children, grandchildren and friends around Austin come December 1!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Busy Day

Our friends Dave and Sally are here to visit, and yesterday we visited Langtry, TX, about 10 miles west of here, and went to the Judge Roy Bean Visitors Center. We also stopped along Route 90 to see the "Buffalo Jump", a high bluff with a sudden drop-off into a steep gorge, where ancient people, on foot (prior to the Spanish bringing horses to North America), chased buffalo to their death, and then killed them for meat, hides, etc. We returned to Seminole Canyon and went down to see Fate Bell shelter, which is the third picture you see. The second picture is an example of the rock art in Fate Bell, typical of the lower Pecos area. The first picture is viewing Fate Bell from further down the canyon. After spending a good while looking at the rock art, we then walked a little way down the canyon and took some more pictures. It was so quiet, with a few birds calling, and no evidence that we were in the 21st century. After climbing back out of the canyon, we then went down to Panther Cave. It is accessible only by boat, but we went down to the end of the trail at the Rio Grande and took pictures #4 and 5. You can see the 23 foot panther behind the chain link fence. This fence is necessary to keep idiots out and try to stop defacement of the rock art. To your left of the panther are many more paintings. This shelter is located where Seminole Canyon ends at the Rio Grande. Due to the amount of water in Lake Amistad, water has backed up into Seminole Canyon (but not to the point where we went into Fate Bell Shelter.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Forgotten treasures
Friday, October 9, 2009
Special photos
Lovely fall weather
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sleepy Sunday
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Hot, tired and grumpy!
We had to go to Del Rio to take the motor home back in for some MORE tests on the refrigerator. The people at Norcold finally agreed that yes, we need a new cooling unit. A new one was ordered and will be in Del Rio in 1 week. more week of living out of an ice chest (we hope). After frazzled nerves, we finally got back to the park and set up the motor home again. We're trying to get cooled out and bought a bag of ice at the HQ building so we could have a cold coke.
Oh, we also got our flu shots today (the influenza A shots). We've never had a problem with them. We're glad to get that out of the way. Of course, we are firmly convinced that we had the H1N1 variety this summer, but we'll still try to get the shots (if we're eligible) when they come out in November.
I drove the car in and Gary drove the MH in to Del Rio. On the way home, my mind went back to the first time I saw this country, about 12 years ago, and how I fell in love with it. I had to calm down a little and remember to be appreciative of the sights again. This area of southwest Texas has many paintings on the canyon walls which are mysterious and defy explanation. The early people who lived here eked out a difficult existence, and it's hard to imagine how they were even able to survive. There are some who think the Huichol tribe in Mexico are the descendants of the people who painted on these walls.
Tomorrow is another day off for us, so maybe we'll have some productive pictures for you!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Oops! Wasn't fall after all!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fall has Fallen!
What a nice surprise. It turned cool yesterday and was 59 degrees outside this morning when we woke up. It started lightly raining about 2:30 am this morning and rained on and off until about 2 pm. Love the sound of rain on this roof.
Just got word that my Zune is over at the Comstock post office. I won it playing Club Bing games, such as Chicktionary and the crossword puzzle game on the site. It cost 38,500 points. I usually get 18-20 points for each game I play. I can't play chicktionary or Lexicon any more because I've played all the games. Anyway, we will pick up the Zune tomorrow. I'm excited to get it because I don't have an Ipod. I don't even know if there will be software to install the Zune or any accessories with it.
We went down into the canyon a few days ago and I took a couple of pictures. The water hole is at the confluence of Seminole and Presa Canyon. We saw a hole and I had to wonder what stays in it. Didn't reach in, though. This morning, I was sitting at the kitchen table and saw a Hooded Oriole outside. I wasn't able to get a very good picture of him but you can see how pretty his colors are. Had to take the pic through the screen.
We're having refrig. troubles again. Temperature is going up in the freezer and icebox. RatsRatsRats!
We have to go down and pick up the occupancy sheets for tonight...this is our last day off and it's back to work tomorrow!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Last day of summer(?)
We got some WONDERFUL rain last night! Probably between 1/4 and 1/2 inch. We had vivid lightning and the power kept flickering on and off. There were lots of little pools of water when we went down to the HQ building this morning. I'll bet the wild birds and animals loved that.
We did some serious trimming down by the HQ building today. There's an agave plant by HQ that has wicked, sharp points, and it gave birth to many little agave plants underneath its sharp points. I dug many of them out with a sharpshooter shovel. The head ranger really wants to get rid of the agave plants in the park because they're not native to this area. So I didn't feel too bad about digging the babies out. The rain we got last night softened the ground a little bit. Gary came and relieved me. We did some weedeating and used the nippers to cut back some blackbrush acacia (long thorns) that was beginning to grow up again. It doesn't need much water to grow, apparently. We cut mostly weeds which had sprung up. We cleaned the restrooms at the HQ building, then did our trimming, and came up to the campground to clean the sites that were vacated today. We cleaned our restrooms here in the campground, too, all in preparation for our day off tomorrow. Then back to the RV for showers, because a) we were stinky and sweaty, and b), the agave (century) plant gives off some kind of substance which causes an itchy rash. After a cool shower, we sank into the couches under the a/c. We are tired, but it's a good tired!
I see from my computer that there is some rain following the same pattern from yesterday, so we can always hope for a little more rain tonight. Del Rio for grocery shopping and lunch.
I'm thankful that we are able to volunteer in this place that's so beautiful to us. We love the canyons, the scenic vistas, the roughness of the terrain and the vegetation, and the solitude and quiet.