We have beautiful weather today. The cold front came through, and although we didn't get any rain, it's cooler and drier, 74 degrees at 2 pm. This is my favorite time of the year in Seminole Canyon.
We are in the midst of the Monarch butterfly migration. The first two pictures are of a tiny butterly. The third picture is a ragged Monarch. They come tumbling through this part of Texas every year and some of them unfortunately bite the dust as they meet with cars and trucks.
The next picture was taken in front of the headquarters building. The sign is flanked by sotol plants and in the center is the century plant, or agave. The agave is not native to this area but is easily grown here.
The next picture is an ocotillo (pronounced oh-coh-TEE-yoh) plant which is blooming in front of the campground restroom. The plant is tall and spindly, with thorns hidden under its small green leaves. The leaves die easily in dry weather but come back with just a little rain. In the next picture, you can see the entire plant. Some cut the ocotillo spines and make fences with them, and they are also thatched together and used to make a roof.
The building is the campground restroom. It has a nice desert garden in the front with ocotillo, century plant, spanish dagger, and several other species of cacti. We are responsible for keeping the restroom clean and the grass trimmed and mowed, in addition to mowing grass in the campground and cutting brush. We just mowed the grass today in preparation for the weekend.
Monday is Columbus Day and we should have an increase in campers for the weekend.
Have a great one and keep looking for more posts!
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