Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Hot, tired and grumpy!
We had to go to Del Rio to take the motor home back in for some MORE tests on the refrigerator. The people at Norcold finally agreed that yes, we need a new cooling unit. A new one was ordered and will be in Del Rio in 1 week. So...one more week of living out of an ice chest (we hope). After frazzled nerves, we finally got back to the park and set up the motor home again. We're trying to get cooled out and bought a bag of ice at the HQ building so we could have a cold coke.
Oh, we also got our flu shots today (the influenza A shots). We've never had a problem with them. We're glad to get that out of the way. Of course, we are firmly convinced that we had the H1N1 variety this summer, but we'll still try to get the shots (if we're eligible) when they come out in November.
I drove the car in and Gary drove the MH in to Del Rio. On the way home, my mind went back to the first time I saw this country, about 12 years ago, and how I fell in love with it. I had to calm down a little and remember to be appreciative of the sights again. This area of southwest Texas has many paintings on the canyon walls which are mysterious and defy explanation. The early people who lived here eked out a difficult existence, and it's hard to imagine how they were even able to survive. There are some who think the Huichol tribe in Mexico are the descendants of the people who painted on these walls.
Tomorrow is another day off for us, so maybe we'll have some productive pictures for you!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Oops! Wasn't fall after all!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fall has Fallen!
What a nice surprise. It turned cool yesterday and was 59 degrees outside this morning when we woke up. It started lightly raining about 2:30 am this morning and rained on and off until about 2 pm. Love the sound of rain on this roof.
Just got word that my Zune is over at the Comstock post office. I won it playing Club Bing games, such as Chicktionary and the crossword puzzle game on the site. It cost 38,500 points. I usually get 18-20 points for each game I play. I can't play chicktionary or Lexicon any more because I've played all the games. Anyway, we will pick up the Zune tomorrow. I'm excited to get it because I don't have an Ipod. I don't even know if there will be software to install the Zune or any accessories with it.
We went down into the canyon a few days ago and I took a couple of pictures. The water hole is at the confluence of Seminole and Presa Canyon. We saw a hole and I had to wonder what stays in it. Didn't reach in, though. This morning, I was sitting at the kitchen table and saw a Hooded Oriole outside. I wasn't able to get a very good picture of him but you can see how pretty his colors are. Had to take the pic through the screen.
We're having refrig. troubles again. Temperature is going up in the freezer and icebox. RatsRatsRats!
We have to go down and pick up the occupancy sheets for tonight...this is our last day off and it's back to work tomorrow!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Last day of summer(?)
We got some WONDERFUL rain last night! Probably between 1/4 and 1/2 inch. We had vivid lightning and the power kept flickering on and off. There were lots of little pools of water when we went down to the HQ building this morning. I'll bet the wild birds and animals loved that.
We did some serious trimming down by the HQ building today. There's an agave plant by HQ that has wicked, sharp points, and it gave birth to many little agave plants underneath its sharp points. I dug many of them out with a sharpshooter shovel. The head ranger really wants to get rid of the agave plants in the park because they're not native to this area. So I didn't feel too bad about digging the babies out. The rain we got last night softened the ground a little bit. Gary came and relieved me. We did some weedeating and used the nippers to cut back some blackbrush acacia (long thorns) that was beginning to grow up again. It doesn't need much water to grow, apparently. We cut mostly weeds which had sprung up. We cleaned the restrooms at the HQ building, then did our trimming, and came up to the campground to clean the sites that were vacated today. We cleaned our restrooms here in the campground, too, all in preparation for our day off tomorrow. Then back to the RV for showers, because a) we were stinky and sweaty, and b), the agave (century) plant gives off some kind of substance which causes an itchy rash. After a cool shower, we sank into the couches under the a/c. We are tired, but it's a good tired!
I see from my computer that there is some rain following the same pattern from yesterday, so we can always hope for a little more rain tonight.
Tomorrow...to Del Rio for grocery shopping and lunch.
I'm thankful that we are able to volunteer in this place that's so beautiful to us. We love the canyons, the scenic vistas, the roughness of the terrain and the vegetation, and the solitude and quiet.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Resurrection Plants and other pictures
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sept 18, 2009
We noticed several wide and deep holes dug in the campground today. I tried to cover them. I don't think it's armadillos but probably either a skunk or a badger digging them. One particularly deep hole went under the concrete frame around a hose bib, so I really tried to cover that one up. Sure wish we could see the animal that's digging such a hole.
Today is Gary's birthday. Wow, he's the best-looking 63 year old man I have ever seen! He received many greetings on facebook and on the internet. The good folks down at the HQ building brought him a cake and some breakfast tacos this morning...we'd already had breakfast and were stuffed by the time we left there! They also sang Happy Birthday, or Feliz Compleanos. What a nice group of people to work with. We really enjoy them all.
We got some good news from DelTex RV in Del Rio today. They'd been in contact with Norcold yesterday (after being put on hold for hours), and Norcold has agreed to send us a replacement icemaker. I'm SO looking forward to that. I don't think I've ever put ice trays into the freezer w/o spilling. The replacement is supposed to be here Tuesday or Wednesday.
We're so thankful for all our blessings and for being here in this beautiful place. Hopefully we will have more pictures soon.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Seminole and Presa Canyon
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Lazy Bones (me)
We haven't have much to report here lately. Just working and getting tired.
We had some welcome rain yesterday, intermittently, probably only about 0.01". But we'll take anything we can get because it's been almost a year since any rain has fallen here. Unfortunately there's not enough rain to lift the burn ban. The temperature has moderated a bit and we were able to sleep with the windows open and enjoy the breezes blowing across us.
The refrigerator has been doing OK since it was repaired. We monitor the temperature constantly with a remote thermometer that we formerly used outside. We are thinking of taking the RV back to Del Rio on Tuesday to get the ice maker fixed. When it fills with water, it overfills and about 1/2 cup of water runs out and into the icemaker bin, and also lands in the bottom of the freezer, creating a sheet of ice there. There is an adjustment but Gary's not too eager to tackle that.
We drove the mule down the trail to the Rio Grande this morning and found some beautiful barrel cacti blooming, which you see above. Looking at the pictures of Gary and me, you can see the Rio Grande (now Amistad Lake) in the background, and to our right is the beginning of Seminole Canyon. The water goes up the canyon quite a ways. It must've come from upstream because we've certainly had no rain here in a long time. We enjoy the peace and quiet on the trail. Some of the cenizo bushes are blooming (which I also call purple sage) and they are very pretty. The cenizo is probably the only bush/tree/plant in this area that doesn't have thorns.
We never made it to Langtry last week. We remembered that it was "washday" on our day off so we washed Tuesday and went to Del Rio on Wednesday. We are looking forward to seeing the new Judge Roy Bean Opry House, which was not there last time we visited. I'm sure we'll have ample opportunity to explore during our time here.
Gary's been working on getting his ham radio set up. Since his dad passed away, he's started wanting to talk on the radio again. He has to get the antenna put up first. I'm still picking away at the banjo and enjoying it.
Until next time...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Day after Labor Day
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Holiday Weekend

Friday, September 4, 2009
1st full day at Seminole Canyon State Park
Seminole Canyon is dry, dry, dry. The guajillo bushes are turning brown and dying. One good part about the drought is there's not too much mowing or brush trimming to be done, since nothing's been growing. It's mostly cloudy today due to Hurricane Jimena, but we've not received any rain. We enjoyed the quiet last night and slept good. We were glad to see our friends here at Seminole again, and looking forward to getting back into the groove and working hard once more.
Hasta la vista!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Leaving El Paso!
We left as early as possible this morning and I was glad to see El Paso in the rear view mirror. We took US90 from Van Horn to Marathon, and I thoroughly enjoyed the mountains. Check out the speed limit! 80 mph for cars, 70 mph for trucks! We kept it between 55 and 60, though. This speed limit was on I-10.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Not so fun
Also, Sunday morning we noticed the milk wasn't very cold, so we started looking, and the stuff in the freezer was defrosting and the temp in the fridge was 55 degrees (should be around 40 degrees in the fridge). We tried everything but the fridge is OUT. Gone. Nada. We lost a lot of stuff, tried to find dry ice but couldn't. We did put some stuff in a cooler, maybe it'll survive, but we've lost most of our food. When we get the RV back, we're going to Mission RV Park, close to where we're at. They have a Norcold refrigerator repair place there.
This is a hot, dry, dusty place, oh, I should add, crowded, also. The mountains in the distance are pretty, though, but I just haven't had the heart to take a picture of them. Hopefully we will get some good pix on the trip to Seminole Canyon.
Well, how was your day?