We've had great weather today. It's been cloudy, and at times, we even had an occasional misty rain. There's a nice, cool breeze blowing from the south this evening. However, we can't see the moon rise tonight due to the clouds. Last night we sat out under the picnic shelter and watched the moon come up; it was big, orange, and beautiful.
We took the John Deere tractor with the shredder on the back down the Rio Grande trail today to knock down some of the weeds that have grown up on the trail. We try to be safety-conscious because there are ruts that can be hidden by the weeds, and someone might turn an ankle if they're not careful. Also there are snakes and we want folks to be able to walk safely.
When we returned, we cleaned the restrooms and then came into the RV to relax. There are several people camping in the park today, since it's a holiday weekend. Two gentlemen are from Germany. They came up wanting to pay us for the campsite but we told them they'd have to pay tomorrow at the office. We also met a couple from Fredericksburg, TX, and gave them some tips on what to see around here. We enjoy meeting people from all over the world who visit here.
The rock art here is 4000-6000 years old, and is not etched (which would be a petroglyph), but is painted onto the rocks. Of course, we can only guess at the meanings of the paintings. I have included a couple of them here. The first picture is in the Fate Bell Shelter, looking south out of the shelter, and the second picture is a painting in Fate Bell. It may represent a shaman, or medicine man. The third painting is a 23' panther, which is located at Panther Cave, at the confluence of Seminole Canyon and the Rio Grande. The next picture is a statue which is located at the headquarters building, and was inspired by the cave paintings. I will include more pictures later.
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