We had a good night's rest last night at Ft. Bridger, WY, and took off early this morning, headed for Cheyenne, WY. The weather was chilly, especially last night. I believe our water was beginning to freeze, because the water stopped flowing when I turned the faucet on, then when I turned on the faucet again, it started flowing. I was happy that we had no precipitation on the drive today.
The first picture was taken day before yesterday in Utah, heading toward Wyoming. There are beautiful mountains to the east of Salt Lake City, and, of course, the Great Salt Lake is to the west of it. We didn't get into the city very much, taking the interstate out of Ogden, UT, toward Wyoming.
After we got into Wyoming, the scenery was not very impressive. Most of it was flat, brown, and treeless. The second picture was taken in Green River, WY, and I hesitated to put it on this site because we'd been hitting lots of bugs and were having problems keeping the windshield clean! Well, some days you're the bug, and other days you are the windshield. There were places in Wyoming that reminded me of the Badlands in Montana, if you've ever been there. We did go over the Continental Divide twice (how'd we manage that?).
We made a quick stop at a rest stop after we took off this morning, and I noticed Gary coming back to the RV to get the camera. I looked outside to see little prairie dogs begging for food. He was trying to take a picture of one, and it was so close to him the camera wouldn't even work. He did take a few pictures. The prairie dogs were cavorting and chasing each other and were so cute. I know, it's bad for people to feed them, but I couldn't help watching them. Horse riders hate them, of course, because horses step in their prairie dog holes and have to be destroyed because of broken legs.
We knew we were in high elevations because our ears were popping. We came to a rest stop called "Wagonhound Trail", and got out to take some pictures. You can read about the area from the historical marker. Am I lazy or what. Elk Mountain was magnificent. It is 11,000+ feet high. We noticed that the snow was no longer on top of the mountains, but was at the level of the road in places. There was no snow on the roads, however.
We made it to Cheyenne today about 2:45 pm. We're staying at the Terry Bison Ranch RV Park, and were hoping to go to the restaurant on the grounds for a bison burger. However, since it's Mother's Day, they were having some kind of special buffet for $23 a pop, so we decided we'd pass on the bison burgers this time. We do have good wifi here, and are able to get some local stations with the antenna. Unfortunately, there's lots of road noise, so we'll probably listen to the Thunderstorm CD tonight. We went to the Sierra Outlet but didn't find anything of use to us, then over to a Walmart Supercenter for a few groceries. Cheyenne is a small town but they have a rodeo here (didn't catch the date), but many big-name country music stars are supposed to be there.
Tomorrow we're headed for Denver and points east, and will try to spend a few nights at a little town called Siebert, CO, to let the storms in Kansas pass on through before we head through there.
Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there! There's no better title than being a mother. I do miss mine and Gary's children today! Love you all!
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