We had the most wonderful day yesterday. We drove over to Comfort, TX, where my cousin and her husband were camped. They are the most wonderful folks! Another cousin, whom I'd never met (or didn't remember meeting), drove over from San Antonio. Her name is Karen. She's the brunette. Jeannette and Karen are both from Wynnewood, OK, and we used to visit with Jeannette and her parents when I was a kid. We had a good time looking at old photos I had scanned on my computer and talking about the "olden days". I will miss seeing them. When we talk about the olden days, it makes me feel closer to my mother and grandparents. These cousins are on my mom's side of the family. Their grandmothers and my grandmother were sisters. Also, Jeannette's grandfather and my grandfather were cousins! So we're doubly kin, I guess. Confusing? Yep. But my grandfather & grandmother were NOT cousins or related!
Today we are heading west, and will stay overnight at the town of Balmorrhea, TX. No wifi at that spot. I don't know how I will survive without the internet.
I have lost another pound since Tuesday! I'm so excited because I've really been trying to be good and eat right. It's not easy when people offer you candy or goodies! I know I am a sweets/carbohydrate addict, so I just have to refuse. Maybe later I'll break down and have a bite, but not now. Don't want to get back on that roller coaster.
Well, time to close and start putting things away for the trip. We'll see you down the road!
Wish we were out on the road right now traveling west. What a time you're going to have out there. Keep up the blog and emails. Love, Jim and Carol