Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Q

Here we are at beautiful Quartzite, AZ...NOT! This is definitely not an area in which I'd like to spend lots of time. It's dusty, dry, with reddish-brown mountains in the background, devoid of vegetation. I like the cold nights but it is now getting up to around 80-85 during the day. I understand that during January and February, the place is really hopping, with RV'ers from all over the country coming here to "boon dock". That means, to us, camping without hookups. It's free on BLM lands. This park has lots of old geezers running around on ATVs. I'll say one's quiet here, and you can't hear I-10. The only noise I've heard is when one of the ATV riders stays out late and drives their gasoline-powered vehicles back to their RV.
There's not even a car wash in Quartzite. Our car was covered with dust and dirt from being pulled behind the motor home. We drove 23 miles to Parker, AZ, to get the car washed and go to Walmart. On the way back, we stopped at a little bookstore. I noticed that there was a thin, salt-and-peppered bearded man standing out front with a long-sleeved shirt on, with ?legs showing? Lots of leg. I thought he had tights on, but noticed veins sticking out on his legs. Later, he took the shirt off to expose a thin, gnarly body with his genitals covered by a g-string and a little fabric cup. What the heck? Gary said he noticed a sign which said "A nudist lives here". I picked up an old Route 66 magazine which had a sticker saying there was an article about Quartzite in it. I flipped it open to see -- ta-da -- a picture of the old fart with his genitals blurred out. Whew. Guess it takes all kinds. I haven't taken many pictures here, and I refuse to take a picture of the nudie. Get this...while I was in the bookstore, I overheard him tell someone that a book was written in 1944, older than him! We're just barely younger than that. See...age is all a matter of how you feel and what you let yourself become, up to a point.
Ah well, speaking of, I'm still hanging in there with the weight watchers. I'm still fitting just fine in my old clothes, however. It's so slow losing weight, and it feels like I've been dieting forever. But I am determined to look and feel better.
We'll be here until April 1, when we take off for LA! Maybe I'll take some more pictures. Thanks for reading my blog!

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