Thursday, April 8, 2010

Huntington Beach, CA

To those of you who are on Facebook, I apologize; I also put most of these pictures there.
We went down to Huntington Beach a couple of days ago and walked for a while. It was such a pretty day; the wind was cold but the sun was warm. We managed to get a few pictures without people, but there were quite a few folks on the beach. The first beach we came to was called "Dog Beach". We thought perhaps it was named this because of some ?rock? formations, but soon realized the beach was for people with dogs! We came to an area with a sign that said "No Dogs Beyond This Point". And sure enough, there weren't any "illegal" dogs. We were going to try to go to Huntington Beach Pier, but couldn't find a parking place and weren't inclined to spend any more $$ on parking meters. I have a fascination with watching the waves come in, as you can tell from the pictures. I can never seem to capture the majesty of what I actually see with the camera's eye. Maybe I need to learn to paint!
We stopped at a place on Pacific Coast Highway called Don the Beachcomber's. It is a Tiki Bar and restaurant. The owner had several other bars, including one in Hollywood. Back in the olden days, a wealthy patron had been drinking at the bar and left. He killed someone on the way home. The patron...Howard Hughes. Anyway, there's lots of legends about the owner, but I was unable to confirm what I had read on a poster in the bar. I can't be sure of its veracity, so I won't include it here.
Into every life...a little rain must fall. Yesterday we were walking along the track that goes around the RV park here on Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station. I twisted my ankle on one of the potholes on the track. Ouch! It's not the worst I've ever had, but it's enough to keep me from exercising. Maybe we'll go to the gym and do something there, although Gary hates gyms. Can't figure out why.
Hope you are having a good day and don't step in any potholes!
More later.

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